Friday, 7 April 2017

I am MAD about Knitting Lace Shawls

Lace shawls were my gateway drug to knitting.

Izar was my first. I still have it, though I think about making it again in nicer, less pilly yarn quite often. The designer, Holly Chayes, is also one of the inspirations for this blog. 

I have a few in progress at any one time. I've finished 2 in the past two weeks, and promptly started another 2.

I have made 4 for me so far. At least half my projects are lace shawls, for no reason other than I love knitting them. It is not as though I will wear all of them at the same time.

Oh, that's an idea! I shall take a picture of me wearing all of the ones I finished for me this year in December. I hope I remember! I have finished a red and a blurple already, and I have an orange, a turquoise and two green shawls to finish. Never mind all the ones I am certain I will start.

In the meantime, here's a teaser photo of my most recently started lace shawl:

I am knitting Manitoba in Quince and Co. Piper, colour Caracara. I bought in August last year at Loop and have been looking for just the right pattern ever since. If you would like to keep track of my project, my Ravelry project page is Paying the Piper

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