Thursday, 8 June 2017

Summer of Basics

Basics are what I'm missing from my wardrobe, especially good quality ones.

So Fringe Association's Summer of Basics is right up my alley. The goal is to make 3 items over 3 months that will be wardrobe essentials for you.

I'm aiming to make 1 set each of sewn and machine-knitted garments.

I have 3 dress patterns, so the sewn things are taken care off. I might shorten them a little to make tops or tunics, but that's about it.

It's the machine knitted garments that are maybe more interesting.

#1: Palmer by Michele Wang.

Photo copyright Brooklyn Tweed

I've made significant progress on swatching and doing math to make this on the machine, because I'm clearly not knitting this much stockinette ever.

I am, however, undecided on whether to rib the hem, cuffs and so forth. It'll be a loooooooong project in single stranded in 2/14nm yarn. I'll most likely swatch with garter knitted sideways, and then ribbing both single and double stranded.

I do have some time to decide though. I plan to do all the ribbing for the fronts and hem at the same time, in one go, so I can mitre the corners of the bottom fronts.

#2: Sweater Blank by Renee Callahan 

Photo copyright Craftsy. 

I want one of these with loads of positive ease, kind of like a Boxy. I have swatched already too.

#3: Custom Fit?

I don't know which pattern, but I have been thinking that this might be a good time to try Custom Fit out. Possibly with a tuck stitch pattern. My back up plan is to make an Infinite Loop, since I already have a plan for it.


  1. I've been thinking about Custom Fit too. I just can't commit to a pattern yet. I will be interested to see how it works for you.

    1. That's my current problem as well.

      I get that most of the Custom Fit patterns would make great wardrobe basics, but I'm just not excited enough to get going on them!

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